• English Breakfast


    Looking for a malty black tea to start your day or a pick-me-up in the afternoon? Our English breakfast tea is made up of a blend of black Ceylon teas from Sri Lanka. Less bold than our Irish Breakfast, this medium bodied cuppa (as the Brits call it) is sure to satisfy! Enjoy straight or with a dash of milk.  Ingredients: Ceylon black teas.

  • Chai at Steam


    Chai tea is a beloved national beverage in India and there are many different versions of it across the country. This version features a ground black Assam tea base with bright notes of cinnamon and clove. It’s comforting and warming, with the aromas mellowing upon brewing. Enjoy latte style with the milk of your choice and sweeten to taste.  Ingredients: Assam black tea, organic spices

  • Taiwan Dong Ding Oolong


    A single origin oolong tea from Nantou, Taiwan, it is distinctly floral with notes of poached greens and sweet lychee.

  • Winter Walnut


    A sencha green tea with hazelnut brittle, sweetened pineapple, coconut shards, walnut, and almond.

  • Dorian Grey


    Dorain grey is what happens when you want that classic Earl Grey tea feel with a trip to the fruit orchard instead of the bergamot orange trees. Dried flowers and apples give this tea additional depth and help balance out the bitterness you sometimes experience with black teas. It’s lighter bodied than a traditional Earl Grey and yes, it is named after the Oscar Wilde novel. Ingredients: Ceylon black tea, apple pieces, mallow and linden flowers, cornflowers, white daisy, and elder blossoms.

  • Hojicha (Organic)


    Our version of Hojicha (roasted green tea) is a single origin green tea from China, harvested from Japanese yabukita cultivar.  The roasting technique produces a cup that is complex yet smooth, gently sweet and nutty with a woody lingering finish. Naturally low in caffeine, Hojicha is a common household staple in Japan, always ready for the entire family to enjoy any time of the day. Ingredients: Green Tea. Organic.  

  • Rose Black


    A Chinese black tea blended with rose petals and natural flavours. Delicately perfumed, and sweetly floral, it takes well to milk.

  • Genmaicha (Organic)


    A Japanese Sencha green tea blended with roasted rice, known for its signature nutty, toasted flavour profile.

  • Divine Goddess


    Blended with a Pai Mu Tan base and dried stone fruit, Divine Goddess Tea features bright fruity notes including apricot and cherry. It has a wide palate yet is still light bodied. This fruity and citrus tea is wonderful enjoyed warm or over ice. Ingredients: Pai Mu Tan white tea, Darjeeling black tea, China Fog green tea, Longjing green tea, Jasmine green tea, candied pineapple, candied mango, natural flavouring, orange peel, candied papaya, strawberry, red currant, apricot, and sour cherry.

  • Lapsang Souchong


    This Lapsang Souchong is a medium bodied smoky black tea from China. It has a smoky aroma reminiscent of a warm evening around the campfire. The taste is balanced and smooth, with the astringency that lingers on the palate, containing just enough mystery to entice you to take another sip. It has plenty of depth with notes of smoky campfire, Cedarwood and a hint of dried fig. We like to enjoy it as is. As the key ingredient for the famous Russian Caravan tea, many of our customers blend their own at-home version with our English Breakfast or Earl Grey Classic. Also goes wonderfully with cocktails and savoury dishes.  Ingredients: China black tea. 

  • Darjeeling (Organic)


    This tea from the Darjeeling region of Northern India is grown in high altitudes and in relatively cool weather. It is perhaps India’s best known tea production region, besides Assam. Our version is the second-flush that is harvested in June when the tea leaves are more fully developed. The liquor is bright with a distinct and delicate floral aroma. The taste is full and complex with Darjeeling's signature muscatel character. A perfect choice for afternoon tea or entertaining guests. Ingredients: Darjeeling black tea (TGFOP). Organic.

  • Kenya Black


    This is a hand-picked black tea from Kenya. It is Fairtrade, non-GMO, and Rainforest Alliance certified. While not certified organic, no pesticides or chemicals were used on these leaves.  It is medium-bodied, malty, smooth, with a gentle astringency and a hint of dried plum finish. Milder in boldness when compared to our Assam Black. A great breakfast tea to enjoy straight or with a dash of milk.  Ingredients: Kenya black tea.